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You can walk into a provider’s office wanting Botox for those lines on your forehead. You’ve had it before, it worked fine. Chances are, you’re aware of how those lines affect your appearance and you want to take some action.

Daughter and Mother photo

Aging skin loses collagen and turns dull, your cheeks flatten out, and wrinkles and sagging skin take up residency on your face. Your teeth and smile age as well. For some, aging happens at earlier stages than for others. There are so many factors that cause or speed up the process. And, there are even more treatments for aging and anti-aging skin.

More importantly, how much or whether this matters is a very personal choice for the individual. However, if you’re unhappy with the aging signals you see in the mirror, it can be overwhelming to piece it all together. Where do you begin? We begin with what bothers you. What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Level up Your Aging Intervention

The face, neck and decollete have a number of fine features that can impact your aging appearance. But, some changes are more prominent than others.

Textures of a girl skin

Changes in your features are subtle and cumulative. Maybe you realize your skin isn’t as bright as it used to be. Those dark circles around your eyes aren’t going away with more sleep. The lines around your mouth have become a little deeper and longer. You don’t smile big like you once did because your teeth aren’t attractive like they used to be. This is the aging process and it happens to us all!! As an esthetics practitioner, Dr. Estep understands the different facets of the aging face. She is in a highly trained position to observe the face as whole, identify aging effects, and recommend a variety of solutions.

As an experienced cosmetic dentist, we assess not just the shape or the color of the teeth but how to improve health, brighten and broaden smiles and bring back that youthful appearance. We see many patients whose teeth are dark, stained, chipped, uneven, and multi-colored and it impacts their health and ages them dramatically.

Modern technology and treatment options make it so much more easier to step up your fight against the signs of aging. Many of these treatments can be done without major plastic surgery and with minimal downtime.

Putting the Pieces Together for Aging and Anti-aging Skin

We know this will not get better by itself. Another year passes and we all wish we had taken action last year. But, it is never too late to take action. You’re not too old to be proactive! When you’re ready to start your journey of anti-aging or age-reversing treatments, we’re ready to discuss your strategy. To learn more about the various treatments we offer, we encourage you to visit our website for our Facial Esthetics and Smile Makeover Services.

In your Facial Esthetics Consultation with Dr. Estep, we will discuss your concerns — what you see in the mirror. She will help you proactively identify treatment options that will get you the best results. We can devise a plan of treatment for you. Some treatments are immediate, while others need to be phased out. We have available some of the most requested therapies for facial aesthetics. It’s a journey, and we are here to help you put the pieces together!