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Sealants in Atlanta, GA

Sealants are, perhaps, the most preventive dental treatment available today. Applied correctly, sealants protect your teeth from the cavities that grow in the deep grooves of your teeth. Those cavities are often not preventable without sealants, even for the most avid brusher/flosser.

smiling family

Avoid Cavities at a Young Age

Although there are about 16 teeth in our mouths that could benefit from sealants, insurance usually only covers eight of those 16 and only then for children up to a certain age. When you think about a topical application that is less invasive, expensive, and traumatic for children, it is a worthwhile preventive measure that Dr. Estep recommends. Sealants are not limited to children; that limitation is perpetuated because insurance applies an age limit. Sealants are a worthwhile preventive measure for any adult to help protect healthy teeth against decay.

Schedule a Children’s Cleaning & Checkup

Your child deserves to have a strong, healthy mouth. At your child’s checkup, Dr. Estep and your hygienist will discuss sealant options with you. Schedule your children’s cleaning & checkup appointment now through our interactive calendar.

Request an Appointment

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